Can I use custom fonts in newsletters?
Yes, you can use custom fonts in your newsletters in JungleMail for Office 365 Pro or Enterprise packages. Note, however, that many email clients do not support custom fonts and will automatically replace them. Therefore, we recommend using Web Safe fonts.It is also important to note that custom fonts will display for the recipient only if they have that font installed on their device.
Custom font configuration
You can configure custom fonts in either JungleMail Global Settings (Global Administrator permissions required) for the whole organization or in JungleMail Site Settings ( Manage Settings user-level permissions required) for a specific site.
in the following example, custom fonts will be configured using the JungleMail Global Settings. The same approach can be used to configure custom fonts for a single JungleMail site by visiting Site management Settings instead.
- Navigate to JungleMail Settings > Global Management Settings
- Switch to the Branding tab and click the +Add new font button. You can optionally hide the built-in fonts by checking the box next to Hide Built-in fonts. This will ensure that only fonts that you configure will be available for users when designing newsletters.Provide the font Title (visible in the dropdown menus) and the Font stack and click Add.
- In the example below, the font stack instructs the email client to display the Helvetica Neue font as the preferred option, followed by Arial, and if none of these fonts are installed, the client will display any sans-serif font that is available.
- Remember to save the changes.
To build a font stack, you should start with custom choices and move towards generic options followed by serif or sans-serif depending on the font type.
Font names are separated by commas. Font names with multiple words should be enclosed in single quotes.