Installing JungleMail 365

Before you can send newsletters using JungleMail for Office 365, you need to register the application in your organization. This tutorial will guide you through the quick and easy installation process.

Installing the app

You can open the JungleMail 365 app by going to and choosing your data hosting location.

. You will be prompted to log in.

Select the  Sign in with Microsoft button and use your Microsoft account credentials to sign in.

You will be asked for the permissions above.  Accept the Permission request and you will be redirected to the app. 


If you are a Tenant Administrator, you can consent on behalf of your organization by checking the " Consent on behalf of your organization" box.

Select the  Sign in with Microsoft button and use your Microsoft account credentials to sign in.

If your organization has disabled application consent for users, you will see an "Approval required" consent window. Submit a request to your Tenant Administrators by providing the reason in the text area and hit the Request approval button. The administrators will receive an email notification, where they will be able to approve the request. Alternatively, they can consent on behalf of the organization by following the steps above. Once the permissions are approved, regular users will be able to access JungleMail 365 by signing in using their Microsoft 365 account.

Adding the SharePoint app an activating the SharePoint connection

Once you have the Application registered in your tenant, you can consider adding the SharePoint app to your SharePoint site and activating the SharePoint connection. The SharePoint app can be used as an alternative to the JungleMail 365 Azure AD app for authorization, and is required if you use a SharePoint list as a Recipient Source, or you utilize the Dynamic Content functionality to populate the newsletter content with information from SharePoint.

Please refer to the articles for installing the SharePoint App, and activating the SharePoint connection.

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