Template lock (Enterprise feature)

Using the Template Lock feature, JungleMail template administrators can stop JungleMail users from making changes to the template layout, style, and (or) content.

To enable Template lock

1. Navigate to JungleMail Site Management Settings  > Branding tab.

2. Check the box next to Enable Template Lock.

3. Select the Template Administrators that will be managing the templates.

4. Save the configuration.

To lock a template

In the Drag & Drop Builder, click the lock icon. To unlock a template, click on the icon again.

To see what options are available for the end user, click the  Switch to User mode icon next to the lock. As an administrator, you will still be able to change all the settings - but the template will respond to these changes as if you were the end user. For example, if adding sections is disabled, you will not be able to add them with User mode enabled. It's an easy way for template administrators to check if template permissions are set correctly.


Template Lock has three permission levels: template permissions, section permissions, and block permissions. By default, blocks inherit their Template Lock settings from sections which, in turn, inherit them from the template settings. However, you can set custom settings for each section or block that override permission inheritance. Read on to learn more.

Template permissions

Template permissions apply to the whole template, unless specified otherwise in Template Lock settings for a particular section or block. To access template permissions, navigate to the  Design tab on the Drag & Drop Builder.

Let's take a closer look at the available options.

  • Manage structure: allows to add sections to the email body or rearranging the existing section order. If the option is disabled, only template administrators can add sections, whereas the end user would see the following notification:
  • Lock Header position and Lock Footer position: prevents adding sections above the first and the last section of the template, respectively.
  • Edit styles: allows to change the style of the email body (background, color, text size, spacing etc.).
  • Manage dynamic content: allows populating sections or blocks with SharePoint content.
  • Edit block content: allows to edit content inside the blocks, for example, change/update the text in a Text block. If disabled, only Template administrators can make changes to block content

If any of the features above are disabled (or if header/footer locking is enabled), only template administrators can bypass them and make changes to the template whereas the end user will see the notification in the respective JungleMail area. 

Section permissions

Section permissions apply to the selected section only. By default, sections inherit permissions from the template (see the image below). However, this inheritance can be broken in each section: toggle the  Inherit permissions from template to Off, and you will have access to the same features as described above in the template permissions. The only difference is the Manage blocks feature that enables adding blocks to the section or rearranging block order in the section.

Block permissions

Block permissions apply to the selected block only. By default, blocks inherit permissions from the the section (see the image below). However, this inheritance can be broken in each block: toggle the  Inherit permissions from section to Off, and you will have access to the same features as described above in the template permissions.


In the example, we're going to create a template for announcements where the end user could only update the announcement title, text, the call-to-action text and the link that the button redirects to.

1. In the Design tab, turn off all template permissions,. The template is now fully locked.

2. Select the section containing the blocks you want to make editable for the end user. On the Permissions tab, disable permission inheritance and enable block content editing.

With such configuration, end users will only be able to change text in the particular section. Text formatting, changing block order, and any other modifications in the section or the template remain locked.

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