Configuring analytics

In this article you will learn how to configure JungleMail for Office 365 Analytics Pseudonymization, Segmentation by Department, Job Title, Office, Company, or Location and generating a Word Report.

  • Analytics settings will apply to current site (a.k.a. Site Collection) only.
  • To access and modify the following settings, you must have the Administrator permission role.


To configure Pseudonymization, navigate to JungleMail Settings > Site Management Settings

Check the Enable anonymous tracking of email opens and link clicks option to enable the Pseudonymization and click Save

  • In some cases recipient can be identified by job title or department. Configure segmentation grouping or disable analytics segmentation to avoid this.
  • This option applies only to future newsletters and does not change already existing statistics.

Analytics Pseudonymizer replaces recipient email addresses with pseudonyms and prevents storing any other data that could be used to identify recipients. This feature was originally built for clients using JungleMail in accordance with German laws that put extra emphasis on data protection.

Here's an example of a newsletter campaign log with Analytics Pseudonymizer enabled:

Analytics Configuration

1. Open JungleMail for Office 365 and click Settings > Analytics

Segmentation for SharePoint list and File recipient sources

JungleMail will automatically read Department, Job Title, Office, Company, Country and State data from SharePoint lists and Excel/CSV/TXT files and use it for analytics segmentation if segmentation is enabled. It will automatically select SharePoint or Excel file columns to read data from. It will look for these column names in first-found priority:

For Excel/CSV/TXT files:


Department, Division, Subdivision

Job Title:

Job Title, JobTitle, Job, Position, Title


Office, Office Location, OfficeLocation


Company, Company Name, CompanyName


Country, Country or region, CountryOrRegion, Country/Region, CountryRegion, ContactCountryOrRegion


State or province, StateOrProvince, State/Province, StateProvince, State, Province

For SharePoint lists all columns are the same, except Title synonym is not used for Job Title – JungleMail will not read Job Title from SharePoint Title column.

  • These column names and synonyms are taken from Office 365 UI, Exchange old & new admin UI, Azure AD UI and also Export to CSV from all these locations.
    All exported CSV files from Office 365, Azure AD and Exchange are OOTB compatible with segmentation.

Segmentation by Department

JungleMail will collect departments from "Department" property of SharePoint list, Excel file, Azure AD users, and Exchange recipients and will display analytics segmented by department.

  • This feature is only available in JungleMail for Office 365 Pro and Enterprise packages.
  • This option will enable or disable data collection and analysis only for future newsletters, it won't change data for completed newsletters.

Segmentation by Job Title

JungleMail will collect departments from "Job profile" property of SharePoint list, Excel file, Azure AD users, and Exchange recipients and will display analytics segmented by job title.

  • This feature is only available in JungleMail for Office 365 Pro and Enterprise packages.
  • This option will enable or disable data collection and analysis only for future newsletters, it won't change data for completed newsletters.

Segmentation by Office

JungleMail will collect departments from "Office" property of SharePoint list, Excel file, Azure AD users, and Exchange recipients and will display analytics segmented by Office.

  • This feature is only available in JungleMail for Office 365 Enterprise package.
  • This option will enable or disable data collection and analysis only for future newsletters, it won't change data for completed newsletters.

Segmentation by Company

JungleMail will collect departments from "Company" property of SharePoint list, Excel file, Azure AD users, and Exchange recipients and will display analytics segmented by company.

  • This feature is only available in JungleMail for Office 365  Enterprise package.
  • This option will enable or disable data collection and analysis only for future newsletters, it won't change data for completed newsletters.

Segmentation by Location

JungleMail will collect countries and states from SharePoint list, Excel file, Azure AD users, and Exchange recipients and will display segmented analytics.

  • This feature is only available in JungleMail for Office 365 Pro and Enterprise packages.
  • This option will enable or disable data collection and analysis only for future newsletters, it won't change data for completed newsletters.

Word Report

Using a custom template

To import newsletter analytics data into a Word document, JungleMail uses content controls. By changing content control properties, you can specify the data that will be imported and displayed.

Adding content controls

1. Click on a place in a document where you want to import analytics data.

2. Go to the Developer tab and click on the Rich Text Content Control button.

3. Once the control is inserted, click Properties.

4. Insert the appropriate formula in the Title and Tag fields. We recommend to copy-paste the Tag value in the Title field: this will allow you to quickly see the formula without opening content control properties.

The result:

You can edit the text inside the content control (highlighted in grey) by changing font, color etc. In the processed document this text will be replaced with data that will inherit this formatting.

Understanding repeated sections

Most JungleMail formulas, used in content control tags, can only return a single value. For example, Analytics:TotalOpens returns the number of total email opens, which is unique per ne However, there are some formulas that can return a list of values. For example, Performance:TotalOpens returns a list of total opens for each day of the campaign. To display the list correctly, you need to create what is called a repeated section. This is a section that is automatically repeated as many times as there items in the list.

To create a repeated section

1. Insert a simple table into the report.

2. Select the whole row and add a Rich Text content control to it.

3. Select the control, open its properties and insert a list-compatible formula in the Title and Tag fields. In the example below, we use the Performance formula .

4. Now, you need to tell JungleMail what specific performance metrics you want to include in the table. To do that, select a cell and insert another Rich Text control inside.

5. Open control's properties and insert an appropriate formula, e.g., TotalClicks. Note that you don't need to use the full formula Performance:TotalClicks: since you now have one content control inside another, JungleMail knows that they are related.


Some formulas can not only return lists but also lists within lists. For example, you can set up a report to display the links opened for each campaign day. To do that, you need to create a repeated section from a row and then create another repeated section in a cell..

Available formulas

Job (single value)

Job:ID (number)

Job:Title (text)

Job:Category (text)

Job:EmailSubject (text)

Job:IsRecurrent (Boolean)*

Job:ScheduledTime (date and time)

Job:SubmittedBy (text, User)**

Job:SubmittedTime (date and time)

Job:Status (text)

Job:SendTime (date and time)

Job:SendStartedTime (date and time)

Job:SendCompletedTime (date and time)

Job:EmailsSent (number)

Job:TotalEmails (number)

Job:ErrorEmails (number)

Job:SkippedEmails (number)

Job:SendSucceeded (Boolean)

Job:SendFailed (Boolean)

Job:SendTerminated (Boolean)

Job:CreatedBy (text, User)

Job:CreatedTime (date and time)

Job:ModifiedBy (text, User)

Job:ModifiedTime (date and time)

Analytics (single value)

Analytics:OpenRate (number)

Analytics:UniqueOpens (number)

Analytics:TotalOpens (number)

Analytics:Unopened (number)

Analytics:ClickRate (number)

Analytics:UniqueClicks (number)

Analytics:TotalClicks (number)

Analytics:NotClicked (number)

Analytics:UnsubscribeRate (number)

Analytics:Unsubscribes (number)

Performance (list)

Date (date and time)

UniqueOpens (number)

TotalOpens (number)

UniqueClicks (number)

TotalClicks (number)

Unsubscribes (number)

ReadingDevicesAvailable (Boolean)

ReadingEnvironment:Available (Boolean)

ReadingEnvironment:NoData (Boolean)

ReadingEnvironment:Desktops (number)

ReadingEnvironment:Phones (number)

ReadingEnvironment:Tablets (number)

ReadingEnvironment:Total (number)

ReadingEnvironment:DesktopRate (number)

ReadingEnvironment:PhoneRate (number)

ReadingEnvironment:TabletRate (number)

ReadingEnvironmentAvailable (Boolean)

ReadingEnvironment (single value)

ReadingEnvironment:Available (Boolean)

ReadingEnvironment:NoData (Boolean)

ReadingEnvironment:Desktops (number)

ReadingEnvironment:Phones (number)

ReadingEnvironment:Tablets (number)

ReadingEnvironment:Total (number)

ReadingEnvironment:DesktopRate (number)

ReadingEnvironment:PhoneRate (number)

ReadingEnvironment:TabletRate (number)

TopLinks (list)

URL (text)

Hyperlink (hyperlink)

UniqueClicks (number)

TotalClicks (number)

ClickstreamsAvailable (Boolean)

Clickstreams (list)

Visitors (number)

Links (list)

URL (text)

Hyperlink (hyperlink)

User (single value)

User:ID (number)

User:Name (text)

User:Login (text)

User:Email (text)

*The Boolean data type is a data type that has one of two possible values (usually denoted true and false). It is useful in scenarios where you want JungleMail to take further actions in the report depending on the value status (for example, to delete an entire row if there is no data to display). However, using Boolean values requires advanced template configuration and is therefore beyond the scope of this article. Please contact us if you need help with this functionality.

**User-related formulas require adding ID, Name or Login at the end, e.g., Job:SubmittedBy:ID or Job:CreatedBy:Email.

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